Wage & Payment Issues

Wage & Payment Issues

The Obama administration has promised an uptick in DOL enforcement actions against employers who violate various laws that govern payment of wages, record-keeping, and child labor.

We have been receiving calls from employees who have not been paid for working during lunch, are not being paid overtime, or are not being paid for work they perform from home. These activties are in violation of federal and Illinois law. We would like to hear from you if you believe you have not been properly paid.

It is not our intent to be unfair to employers. We believe most employers do the right thing and pay their employees according to legal requirements. In fact, we routinely represent such employers with very successful results.

However, there are bad apples in the bunch and it is those bad-apple employers that drag down the good ones by bringing industry-wide DOL enforcement attention to their doors. Non-compliance with legal requirements in the area of wages and child labor laws allows certain employers to unfairly compete with companies who pay their employees lawfully and fairly.
For example, receiving a salary does not necessarily mean that an employee is not entitled to overtime. Additionally, an employee might be entitled to payment for certain periods where the employer typically does not pay the employee such as time lost in time clock rounding, time not paid when on call or working from home, time not paid when changing into and out of uniforms.

If you believe your employer or a competitor is violating laws regulating proper payment of wages, child labor laws, or hiring undocumented workers, please complete our contact form. We will contact you within 1 business day of submission of your contact form.
